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Jermann Schreinerei (Laufen)

0 Reviews

About Us

Your carpenters in Baselland The carpenter's workshop Jermann was founded in September 1989 by Pius Jermann. At that time he still operated the company in his home workshop in Dittingen. However, it soon became clear that these premises were too small for the carpenter's growing order book. In April 1998, he was offered the opportunity to purchase the former carpenter's workshop of Keramik Laufen, so that the company moved its headquarters to Korkstrasse in Laufen. Until today, the carpenter's workshop has kept this location. Pius Jermann took his well-deserved retirement at the end of 2004 and handed over the business to his son Michael, who has successfully managed the carpentry shop to this day. Together with his worker Dominique Jermann, the two fulfill almost all customer wishes, true to the motto "Nothing is impossible"!

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Location and contact

Show directions

Jermann Schreinerei

  • office address office address

    Korkstrasse 16 4242 Laufen

  • Jermann Jermann

  • Phone Phone
    0617... Show number 061 761 33 33 *
    0797... Show mobile number 079 720 08 29 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Jermann Schreinerei